Hello again! I am very excited to share with you all the title of my first book. I've been working on this series for so long that it's been through five different title changes. With the help of my lovely friend, Kathleen Sawisky, author of The Code Series, I have come up with a final title for the book.
This book has been a journey for me. I wrote the first draft to practice for my very first NaNoWriMo back when I was seventeen. I came up with it one night, hanging out with friends, started it the week before NaNo, and finished it the night before. I was so proud of it. Looking back, it was terrible, but let's be honest, most first drafts are! I've grown so much as a writer since that day, and this book has grown with me. It has gone through multiple drafts, four complete rewrites, characters added, removed, and changed, and lots of research. This book has grown with me, and I am beyond excited to finally be able to share it with the world.
So, without further ado, I am pleased to present:
Twins, Mia and Derek Sòng, share everything with each other.
Or, that’s what Mia thinks.
But Derek has a secret. A secret of magic.
When Derek’s magic accidentally unseals an immortal queen, restarting a three thousand year old war, the twins’ small Colorado town is flooded with mysterious events, from freak blizzards, to stalkers, to attempted murder. Mia, unaware that magic even exists, finds herself thinking she’s going insane while Derek does everything in his power to keep her in the dark. He’s convinced that he’s protecting her, and she’s convinced she can’t trust him anymore.
As the war rages on, and secrets come out, the two twins must figure out how to balance their life before the lotus in the mountain destroys everything they love.
I can't wait to share this book with you all!
~Linn Coldiron